The Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora Bracelet

The gift arrived in a small box one special Christmas,
Two initials and one red charm,
An aquamarine later to celebrate my March madness,
I don’t really see any harm.

Fuchsia hearts for love,
Pink ribbons for cancer,
Charms that never move,
Lovingly, I wear her.

I now possess a Pandora bracelet,
Am I buying into the unknown future,
Celebrating special times in life met
With icons representing the past captured?

In the end of days when I’m old,
I will so, so often wonder,
What stories will the bracelet hold?
Oh to ponder, Oh to ponder!

Lynn Martin McHale April 4, 2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Note: Since the poem was written last year I received several
charms recently for my birthday, filling in the bracelet.
Its appearance is different than when I wrote poem.

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